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Should Drug and Alcohol Tests Be Required In Officer-Involved Shootings?

Not only should they be tested, but they should change how law enforcers are hired, because it appears they forget who they work for and show no compassion for the people who pay their salaries.

Muslims Co-opting Ferguson Protests To Advance Goals of Islamists and Terror Groups….

Muslims Co-opting Ferguson Protests To Advance Goals of Islamists and Terror Groups…..

What better way to go after recruits when you keep treating humans less than humans, these type of people are opportunists and some people are just feeding into their hands. Animals fights back when pushed into a corner, and we all know that.

New Member of the Moocher Hall of Fame Demonstrates the High Cost of Eroding Social Capital

I don’t get a chance to scroll and read all comments & posts but someone said I should read this. Obese, Free Willey, its disturbing

International Liberty

I wrote the other day about the importance of “social capital,” which is a catch-all phrase for a society’s attitudes about things such as the work ethic, a sense of self-reliance, and the spirit of independence.

Today we’re going to look at the flip side of social capital. I’m not sure whether this is an example of “anti-social capital” or “social anti-capital,” but our newest entrant in the Moocher Hall of Fame is symbolic of what’s wrong with the mental attitude of too many people in today’s welfare states.

Here are some details from a story about Christina in the U.K.-based Daily Mail. As you read the story, keep in mind that a “stone” is 14 pounds and £20,000 equals more than $31,000.

An obese mother-of-two who lives on benefits says she needs more of taxpayers’ money to overhaul her unhealthy lifestyle. Christina Briggs, 26, from Wigan…

View original post 490 more words

Broken American/Black President/Hate

How, who, and when America became broken?

The country is already broken and fallen into the abyss of NO RETURN. You can’t fix what took 200 years to final show Americas true color. Greed & Hate and a country so divided, it was just a matter of time before the bottom to fall out. While other countries are moving forward, Americas is moving backward. America will see the worst two years of nothing being done when they see Republicans only effort isto rid Affordable Healthcare Act, Immigration, & helping Koch brothers to exceed with their agenda which will cost taxpyers millions of dollars
Bottom Line: “HATE” is a four letter word with a complex meaning that controls Americas destiny.  America created “HATE” and America “HATE” what they’ve created, and it took a Black man in the White House to show the world, nothing has changed. It’s just sugar coated.

The Power of the Veto Pen

Well, the elephants are in control of Congress, and their agenda, is to attack President Obama’s Healthcare, Immigration, and help Koch brothers. What the Hell has American voters done will play out like a looney Tune cartoon
The Road Runner where the coyote never gets him. President Obama only used his veto power twice (2) compared to the previous president which used his veto power twelve (12) times
How much will President Obama use his veto power in the next 2 years depends on the Elephant in the House. Glad I’m not a Republican
What does President Obama has to lose in the next two years?
He has the lowest, going by what the media has said,40% competency running America, lousy/worst president that was ever in the White House in over 50 years, big liar, and the media says the economy isn’t growing. And, the new leader of the house is saying waving a RED FLAG and the new congress is a Bull waiting to attack. The circus Le Cirque on Capital Hill/Congress is a catastrophe waiting to happen. Ouch!!! Is going to happen.
What America needs to do is take the best of both parties which is like finding a needle in a hay stack, and create a new party calle it the America Party and try to unite America. Oh, that’s right, United States of America is the name of a country that’s falling apart by the threads. Good luck in working together Democrats & Republicans/Tea Party
I honestly don’t see Congress working together! DO YOU?

The Islamic State: The Spread of the Khilafah (I of V)

Flush with cash and US weapons seized during recent advances in Iraq, the Islamic State’s expansion shows no sign of slowing down. In the first week of August alone, Islamic State fighters have taken over new areas in northern Iraq, encroaching on Kurdish territory and sending Christians and other minorities fleeing as reports of massacres emerged.
These people are NO JOKE & they don’t mind dying.

5 issues on Congress’ to-do list with Less Than One Day to go before August recess


Today’s question: How much did Congress accomplished on their to-do list before Recess thus far, for the little boys & girls on Capital Hill?


This is history repeating itself:

1999: “Like restless students yearning to burst out the schoolhouse door, members of Congress are preparing to quit the steamy capital today for a month’s vacation, leaving many of their toughest assignments unfinished.”

2003: “Senate Republican leaders will try this week to pass a massive energy package sought by President Bush and are threatening to force colleagues to delay a cherished August recess until the work is done.”

2004: “Halfway through the year, Congress has spent its time on a mix of politics and business, but leaves for the rest of summer with some major work yet unfinished. Lawmakers return after Labor Day and plan to break again Oct. 1.”

2005: “In a mad dash to rack up some accomplishments before Congress leaves town for its five-week August recess, the Senate on Tuesday temporarily abandoned work on a defense policy bill and took up a measure, likely to pass and laden with political implications for Democrats, that will shield gun manufacturers from lawsuits.”

2006: “GOP leaders were scrambling yesterday to bolster a thin list of legislative accomplishments before the House recesses tonight for a five-week summer break. But a minimum-wage deal was far from certain, and pension legislation was near collapse. Last night’s struggles underscored the divisions in Republican ranks that leaders had hoped to paper over before the August recess.”

2007: “Congress stumbled toward its August recess on a discordant note Friday as angry partisanship and distrust slowed the House and Senate in the latest example of the ideological standoff that has made progress difficult all year.

2008: “Lawmakers sped for the exits yesterday as Congress was to begin a five-week recess after a summer session noteworthy for bitter partisanship and paralysis on the issue topmost in the minds of many voters: the cost of gasoline.”


We Get Bad Analysis when Statists Write Economic History

Experts-Seek out the most complex and sophisticated minds, put them in a room together, and have them ask each other the questions they are asking themselves, who will be right, and who will be wrong?

International Liberty

When major changes occur, especially if they’re bad, people generally will try to understand what happened so they can avoid similar bad events in the future.

This is why, when we’re looking at major economic events, it’s critical to realize that narratives matter.

For instance, generation after generation of American students were taught that the Great Depression was the fault of capitalism run amok. But we now have lots of evidence that bad government policy caused the Great Depression and that the downturn was made more severe and longer lasting thanks to further policy mistakes by Hoover and Roosevelt.

The history textbooks are probably still wrong, but at least there’s a chance that interested students (and non-students) will come across more accurate explanations of what happened in the 1930s.

More recently, the same thing happened after the financial crisis. The statists immediately tried to convince people that the 2008…

View original post 1,405 more words


Republicans keeps saying the economy is not moving forward, or President Obama hasn’t done a damn thing since he’s been elected from the first term. Wells, here’s some info you might want to consider in digesting for those who thinks he’s wasting Taxpayers dollars like the other party; (GOP) Republicans


By any measure, the U.S. economy was unusually weak in the first quarter of the year (January through March), though most in the economic, financial, and political sectors were untroubled by the data. Indeed, for most, the winter drop was something of a fluke, caused by unusually harsh weather and an unexpected drop in health spending.

Still, the first-quarter report made the second-quarter data all the more important. Would the economy bounce back? This morning, we received an answer – and for those rooting for economic success, the results were even better than expected.
The U.S. economy grew by a 4% annual pace in the second quarter, bouncing back from a revised 2.1% decline in the first three months of the year, according to a preliminary government estimate. Economists polled by Market Watch predicted GDP would grow by a seasonally adjusted 3.2%. Consumer spending, the main source of economic activity, accelerated to show a solid 2.5% gain after a meager 1.2% rise in the first quarter. […]
Also adding to U.S. growth was a pickup in construction spending, increased business investment, a bigger buildup in inventories and slightly higher government spending, the Commerce Department said Wednesday.
Also note, the most recent data showed the first quarter GDP at -2.9%. Today’s report revises that total in a less-awful direction, to -2.1%.
Nevertheless, today’s report showing 4% growth is terrific and reinforces the perception of an economy picking up speed. Though this is a preliminary figure that will be revised in the coming months, if it holds up, this will be only the third time in the last seven years that GDP growth has reached 4% or greater.
What’s more, the swing from -2.1% to +4% is easily the largest positive quarter-to-quarter swing since the start of the Great Recession is late 2007.
As for the image above, the chart shows GDP numbers by quarter since the Great Recession began. The red columns show the economy under the Bush administration; the blue columns show the economy under the Obama administration.

Right Wing Facebook page “Barack Obama Must Die” being promoted on social media


An anti-Obama Facebook page was recently taken down, but has since returned with more vile images and content.

The right-wing Facebook page titled “Barack Obama Must Die” was reported enough by disgusted viewers on the social networking page that it was removed last week. Despite the removal, the page is back and up and running. The main picture on the page is President Obama photo-shopped as the evil character The Joker from the Batman films. The cover image, which appears in a larger form above the page, shows a smiling Obama holding an American flag while straddling an airplane. Above the president is a slogan reading: “Live from Gitmo Nation, No Agenda.”

A growing number of protesters have left messages on the page, making note that they have reported it to Facebook, the FBI and even the Secret Service. As of press time, the “Barack Obama Must Die” Facebook page is still active and it’s unknown if it will get removed a second time.

This isn’t the first time Examiner.com has reported on a hateful and dangerous Facebook page about President Obama. This past January, the right-wing Facebook page titled “Americans the next generation” showed a picture of President Obama photo-shopped in a noose, calling for his hanging to be a national holiday. Shortly after the story broke, Facebook took down the page.

Isn’t America Land of the Free?